About Spiritual Direction

Why Spiritual Direction?

We live in a noisy, fast-paced world that is full of distractions from what is truly meaningful—those precious, sacred experiences that make up our life’s journey. Spiritual direction helps us to live with awareness, intentionality, and mindfulness as we discover our most authentic selves.

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is a centuries old spiritual practice that allows us to reflect upon our spiritual lives with a trained professional. Spiritual directors create a safe space, bound by confidentiality, to name and claim our personal experiences of God. While keeping in mind that the Spirit is the true director, the spiritual director listens deeply, asking questions, not so much to solve problems, but to return to the presence of the sacred and its transforming love. As we explore our lives, we are able to discern our direction and meaning in life.

What do I talk about with my Spiritual Director?

Spiritual direction conversations encompass all areas of life in order to discern where are, where we are going, and our unique paths: conversation topics may include relationships, personal development, questions of faith, images of God, fears, sorrow, joys, and times of transition.

Listen for More

Peter Watkins, Sacred Ground faculty member and spiritual director, talks about spiritual direction in this podcast conversation. If you are curious about spiritual direction and Ignatian Spirituality, this conversation is a gift.

Learn more about our Spiritual Directors