Extended Ignatian Exercises

History of the Ignatian Exercises:

Over four hundred years ago, Ignatius of Loyola underwent a process of conversion that changed the course of his life. This account of his experiences and plan for sharing them with others became known as the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius or the Extended Ignatian Exercises (EIE).

Although originally intended to be given as a 30-day silent retreat with an individual director, Ignatius realized that, even in his own time, many people could not absent themselves from their work and daily lives for such a long period.  He suggested alternate formats in which the Exercises could be made. This extended version invites someone to pray daily and meet weekly with a director over the course of approximately 7.5-9 months.

The author and the Exercises may have been birthed in a different time, but the design of the Exercises is flexible enough to be adapted both to the person and the culture in which they are presented. The Exercises continue to impact individuals in a profound way.

  • The Spiritual Exercises provide a process for:

    • Integrating life and prayer

    • Coming to greater freedom of spirit

    • Deepening a personal relationship with God

    • Finding God more deeply in all parts of life

  • Praying the Spiritual Exercises requires the following commitment:

    • People making the exercises generally spend 45 minutes to an hour of prayer each day

    • Journaling about the prayer experience

    • Meeting with a specially trained spiritual director once a week for at least eight months, to share with the director the past week’s experiences in prayer and daily life.

  • The fee arrangement is determined by the director and retreatant. If a director charges $50 per meeting, and if you meet for 32 weeks, you will pay the director $1,600 for the EIE.

    If this amount presents a financial hardship, many directors are willing to offer to meet on a sliding scale fee.

  • The Ignatian Exercises is a prayer experience, not a scripture study. A reflective reading of scripture, as a way of prayer, is used to help encounter a loving God. The prayer experience follows the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus through the Gospels. Jesus’ own poverty, humility, and loving service reveal God’s self-emptying love. That means that there is no requirement that one have made a significant study of scripture before making the Exercises.

  • Spiritual directors who have also completed the Exercises and taken additional training about leading someone through the Exercises are certified to take retreatants through the Exercises.

  • Many spiritual directors in Sacred Ground’s community are certified to lead people through the Extended Ignatian Exercises. Some of these directors are listed in Sacred Ground’s online listing of directors and note that they are certified to lead someone through the Exercises. We also offer training to spiritual directors to lead someone through the Exercises. Those students need to practice leading people through the Exercises to receive their EIE certification and are available to meet with a retreatant.

“I had some hesitations regarding undertaking the Extended Ignatian Exercises (EIE). I wondered if the time commitment and resources required would be worth it. It was! The EIE turned out to be an integral part of understanding Ignatian Spirituality, the bible, and myself. Meeting with a spiritual director weekly (instead of monthly) cultivated a deeply trusting relationship in which I felt entirely comfortable sharing my musings, questioning, and growing edges. This prayer practice has made my faith walk stronger, generating a greater enthusiasm to cultivate my relationship with God and actualize my spiritual gifts in His service.”      

— Julie C.

For more information or for help connecting with someone to take you through the EIE, please contact us at:
